Arabic Months (Hijri ) with their names , numbers and definition

Arabic months


The Arabic months, also known as the Hijri months among Muslims, are one of the important symbols that distinguish Muslims from others. They hold a special significance for Islam and Muslims, serving as the calendar widely used by Muslims in worship and other aspects. Now, you’re eager to learn more about these months, so don’t worry, the Quran Moddaker Academy will take you on a journey to explore the Arabic months from A to Z.


1. Concept of Arabic Months:

Arabic months are based on the lunar cycle, where a month is completed with the completion of a lunar cycle around the Earth.


2. Why Arabic Months are called Hijri:

Well, they are named Arabic months because of the Arabs. Later on, they became known as Hijri months, referring to the migration of our noble Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.


3. Importance of Arabic Months:

Have you ever wondered about the significance of these months for Muslims? Or where does this importance come from? Well, the importance of Arabic months lies in the worship practices associated with them. In other words, there are worship activities that depend on the Arabic months and the sighting of their crescents. Some of the most important worship practices are:


– Hajj (Pilgrimage):

Hajj is one of the specific worship practices that has a designated time. It cannot be performed whenever one wishes, as it is connected to specific months in the Arabic calendar.


– Zakat (Charity):

There are specific conditions for giving Zakat, including the time of giving, which is a complete lunar year. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, “There is no Zakat on wealth until a year has passed over it.”


– Fasting:

Fasting is another important worship practice that is determined by the sighting of the crescent. As you may know, dear reader, Muslims have a specific month for obligatory fasting, which is the month of Ramadan. This month begins with the birth of a new moon. Allah says, “The month of Ramadan is the one in which the Quran was revealed. Whoever sights the new moon of the month, let him fast it.”

(Well, on the occasion of the approaching month of Ramadan, do not forget, dear reader, to contact us from here to get a free course during the month of Ramadan.
To learn more details about this free course and what you will learn, you can contact us at any time. )


– Eid:

Eid celebrations also depend on the sighting of the crescent, whether it’s Eid al-Fitr, which comes immediately after Ramadan, or Eid al-Adha, which occurs in the month of Dhul-Hijjah.


4. Names of Arabic Months, their order, and meanings of each name:

Before diving into the names of the Arabic months, dear reader, you should know that each month has a name, and each name carries significance and meaning in the Arabic language. The months are arranged as follows:


1. Muharram: The first month in the Arabic (Hijri) year. It is one of the sacred months.

Reason for the name: It was forbidden to fight during this month.


2. Safar: The second month in the Arabic year.

Reason for the name: The Arabs used to leave their homes during this month.


3. Rabi’ al-Awwal: The third month in the Arabic year.

Reason for the name: It coincides with the season of spring.


4. Rabi’ al-Thani: The fourth month in the Arabic year.

Reason for the name: It also occurs in the spring season.


5. Jumada al-Ula: The fifth month in the Arabic year.

Reason for the name: It coincides with the winter season, and water freezes during this month.


6. Jumada al-Akhirah: The sixth month in the Arabic year.

Reason for the name: It also occurs in the winter season.


7. Rajab: The seventh month in the Arabic year. It is one of the sacred months.

Meaning of the name: Reverence or sanctity.


(To learn more about the Prophet’s biography, the secrets of the Prophet’s migration, and the significant events that occurred during his life with his companions, you can subscribe to this course.)


– Sha’ban: The eighth month in the Arabic year.

Reason for the name: It is named so because it is the month between Rajab and Ramadan.


9. Ramadan: The ninth month in the Arabic year.

It is the best and greatest of the Arabic months, as it is the month in which Allah revealed the Quran.


10. Shawwal: The tenth month in the Arabic year.

Reason for the name: Crops used to dry up in this month.


11. Dhu al-Qi’dah: The eleventh month in the Arabic year.

It is one of the sacred months.

Reason for the name: Arabs used to refrain from travel and fighting during this month.


12. Dhu al-Hijjah: The twelfth month in the Arabic year.

It is one of the sacred months.

Reason for the name: Arabs used to perform Hajj (pilgrimage) during this month.

5. The Difference Between Arabic (Hijri) and Gregorian Months:

Perhaps you, dear reader, have wondered about the difference between Arabic (Hijri) months and Gregorian months. The difference lies in the method of measurement and calendar as follows:


– The Hijri calendar is based on the lunar cycle, where a month is completed with the completion of a lunar cycle around the Earth. In contrast, the Gregorian calendar is based on the sun, with a year being completed by the Earth’s rotation around the sun.

6. Summary:

In this article, we have summarized some important points about the Arabic months as follows:


– The meaning of Arabic months, which are based on the lunar calendar rather than the solar calendar.

– The significance of Arabic months in determining important worship dates for Muslims.

– The number and names of the Arabic months.

– (Also, dear reader, don’t forget the free course offered by the Quran Academy during the month of Ramadan.)

-(You can also take a look at the wonderful courses offered by the Quran Academy if you are interested in improving your Arabic language skills or reading the Quran correctly with Tajweed, whether it’s for yourself or your children.).

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