An overview of Islam _ Definition , Five pillars , History , Characters and practices


Many Muslims are eager to know the essential aspects of the true Islamic religion in order to correct their beliefs and guide themselves on the right path to attain happiness in this world and the hereafter. Therefore, we will briefly review what you need to know about Islam.




1. What is Islam?

2. The Pillars of Islam.

3. Where did Islam begin and how did it spread?

4. Why is Islam the correct religion?

5. General characteristics of Islam.

6. What is the source of Islam?

7. What does Quran Moddaker Academy offer you in terms of information and courses about introducing Islam?


These are some of the most common questions in the minds of Muslims, and we will answer them in this article to satisfy the curiosity of the inquirer, God willing.


Firstly, what is Islam?


1. Islam is submission to Allah, surrendering oneself and one’s affairs to Him.

2. Islam is a divine religion based on the concept of monotheism (the oneness of Allah).

3. Islam is for a person to know this great Lord, be connected to His commands and prohibitions, and follow His guidance.

4. Islam is the religion revealed to Muhammad (peace be upon him).

 This is the meaning of Islam as determined by the messengers. Allah says, “Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam.” (Quran 3:19

 Therefore, a person must align themselves with the will of Allah, obeying the person who receives instructions from above, like the prophets and messengers, and realizing the necessity of adherence. Allah says, “And whoever submits his face to Allah while being a doer of good – then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold. And to Allah will be the outcome of [all] matters.” (Quran 31:22)


Secondly, the Pillars of Islam:

 The pillars of Islam are five:

five pillars of islam

 1. Shahada (Testimony of Faith): Bearing witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger.

2. Salah (Prayer): You can refer to the previous article that elaborates on prayer, its pillars, and its manner. Click here to access the article ( Salah in islam )

3. Zakat (Charity): Zakat is an obligatory charity that is paid by the wealthy to the poor at specified times and amounts.

4. Sawm (Fasting): Fasting is observed during the month of Ramadan by capable Muslims every year.

5. Hajj (Pilgrimage): It is the pilgrimage to the Kaaba in Mecca, which Muslims who are able must perform certain rituals. Hajj is obligatory for those who are physically and financially capable of undertaking it.


These are the pillars, dear Muslim. If you want to learn more about these pillars in detail, you can experience subscribing to the Quran Moddaker Academy for Quran memorization and Islamic teachings click here (our courses )

Thirdly: Where did Islam begin and how did it spread?

1. Islam began in the Arabian Peninsula, specifically in Mecca. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) received the revelation from Allah through the angel Gabriel.


2. As for the spread of Islam, it spread through wisdom, good preaching, and adherence to Islamic ethics, not by the sword as some claim to tarnish Islam’s image.

Fourthly: Why is Islam the correct religion?

 You may be wondering, dear reader, whether Islam is the correct religion and what evidence there is to support its authenticity. Well, the evidence for the truth of Islam and the authenticity of prophethood is abundant and extensive. The evidence for the truth of Islam is sufficient for any rational and truth-seeking person.

 Here are some of the evidence for the authenticity of Islam:

 1. The soundness of human nature (fitrah): Allah says, “So direct your face toward the religion, inclining to truth. [Adhere to] the fitrah of Allah upon which He has created [all] people.” (Quran 30:30)

 2. Miracles: Such as the splitting of the moon by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the stones praising Allah in his hands, the multiplication of food, and many other miracles. You can click here (…) to learn more about these miracles and prophetic evidence in detail.

 3. Rational proofs: The Quran invites people of intellect and understanding to contemplate its verses to ascertain the truth of Islam. Allah says, ” [This is] a blessed Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that they might reflect upon its verses and that those of understanding would be reminded.” (Quran 38:29)

 There are many other pieces of evidence that cannot be mentioned here in detail. You can refer to them by clicking here (…).


Fifthly: General characteristics of Islam:


 1. Monotheism: Islam emphasizes the belief in the oneness of Allah.

2. Humanity: Islam promotes compassion, justice, and the well-being of all human beings.

 3. Comprehensive: Islam provides guidance for all aspects of life, including personal, social, and spiritual aspects.

 4. Moderation: Islam encourages balance and avoiding extremes in all matters.

 5. Realism: Islam acknowledges the realities of life and provides practical solutions.

 6. Clarity: Islam offers clear guidance and teachings.

 7. Combining stability and flexibility: Islam maintains core principles while allowing for adaptation to changing circumstances.

 Don’t worry, dear reader, as I mentioned earlier, the Quran Moddaker Academy offers various courses that can help you explore any topics related to Islam and the Quran.

Sixth: The source of Islam:

Islam has two main sources:

 1. The Holy Quran: The Quran is the central religious text of Islam, believed to be the word of Allah as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

 2. The Prophetic Sunnah: The Sunnah refers to the actions, sayings, and approvals of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It provides guidance and elaboration on the teachings of the Quran.


Seventh: What Quran Moddaker Academy offers in terms of information and courses about Islam and the Quran:

 Quran Academy provides the following:

 1. Free trial experiences: Quran Academy offers two free trial sessions.

 2. Flexibility in choosing suitable timing.

 3. Customized lesson schedules for you or your children.

 4. The option to choose a male or female teacher according to your preference.

 5. Highly competent male and female teachers.

 6. Qualified teachers from Al-Azhar University.

 7. Reminder notifications for lesson times.


Now, what are you waiting for? You can now take a look at the courses offered by Quran Moddaker Academy by clicking here ( our courses ) and experience something unique.

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