Salah in Islam ( prayer ) , its definition, types, rules, importance, types

Salah in islam

Contents: 1. The concept of Salah in Islam: “Salat is an act of worship with specific and known words and actions that begin with the takbir and end with the salutation.” What is meant by sayings is: What is meant by verbs: 2. The ruling on Salah in Islam: Salah in Islam is an obligation. […]

Consept of Tafsir quran al quran and its types

tafsir quran al quran

 First and foremost, you must know that the science of Tafsir quran al quran (meaning of the quran ) is one of the most important and honorable sciences because it is related to the eternal Book of God (the Quran).  The science of Tafsir is the most important of the sciences because it works to […]

How to Choose the Right Quran Foundation Course?

How to Choose the Right Quran Foundation Course

In this article, we will discuss and answer one of the most asked questions, How to Choose the Right Quran Foundation Course? This question will be answered from all the discussions. The Quran courses are courses created to help Muslims memorize the holy Quran and understand the meaning of the Ayat and surah. This course […]

Why Quran Foundation Course is important for kids?

why Quran Foundation Course is important for kids

The kids can memorize the holy Quran before adults because they don’t have any components that can delay them from finishing memorizing the holy Quran, so the foundation course provides kids with course content that helps them to memorize the holy Quran and understand the meaning of each Ayat in a short time. The course […]

Why is the Quran important?Exploring Its Impact on Our Hearts and Minds.

why is the Quran important?

In this article, we will answer the question, Why is the Quran important? We will answer this question from all the dimensions and all the information that people want to know. The Quran is the holy book of the Islamic religion that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad to guide people on how to live and […]

Ever Wondered How is the Quran Organized? Let’s Explore it!

How Is the Quran Organized?

In this article, we will answer the question, How is the Quran organized? The answer will cover all the dimensions. But first, we will talk about the revelation of the holy Quran. Prophet Muhamad was 40; the holy Quran was revealed to him through the angel “Jabril.”. Prophet Muhammad was meditating at mountain Hira and […]

How many pages is the Quran? Everything You Need to Know.

how many pages is the quran

This article will discuss and answer the question, How many pages is the Quran? This is the most asked question from Muslims, and we will discuss the debates about these cases. The Quran is the holy book of the Islamic religion. It is divided into juzs; every juz contains two hizab, and every hizab contains […]


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