The most beautiful 99 Names Of Allah And Their Meanings

99 names of allah

The inquirer asks about the benefits of the beautiful names of Allah. We say that Allah has bestowed upon Muslims and favored them by granting them knowledge of some of His beautiful names. He has kept some of them hidden in His knowledge of the unseen for a wisdom known only to Him. So, praise be to Allah who has made us aware of His beautiful names and sublime attributes, so that we may draw closer to Him and get to know Him, thereby attaining the desired goal of entering Paradise and being saved from the Hellfire.


Dear Muslim, do not miss this course ( Islamic course ) to learn more about Allah, His prophets, Islam, and Muslims in general.



1. Definition of the beautiful names of Allah.

2. The importance of learning the beautiful names of Allah.

3. The number of the beautiful names of Allah.

4. Categories of the beautiful names of Allah.

5. Obligations regarding the beautiful names of Allah.

6. Details about the beautiful names of Allah.

7. Courses and information provided by Quran Moddaker Academy about Islam and the necessary knowledge for every Muslim about Allah.


First: What is mentioned in the definition of the beautiful names of Allah:

1. They are a means of reaching Allah, as confirmed by His saying: “And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them.” [Quran 7:180]


2. The beautiful names of Allah are the names by which Allah called Himself in His Book, or through the tongue of one of His messengers, or which He kept exclusive to His knowledge of the unseen, and no one resembles or equals Him in them. [Shifa Al-‘Alil by Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya]


3. It is also said that the beautiful names of Allah are names of praise, glorification, exaltation, and magnification of Allah, His perfect attributes, His majestic qualities, His wise, merciful, beneficial, and just actions. They are names by which Allah is called, and they necessitate praising and glorifying Him. [Al-Mujalli, Sharh Al-Qawa’id Al-Muthla]


Second: The importance of learning the beautiful names of Allah:


Dear noble Muslim, it is important for you to know that understanding the beautiful names of Allah means knowing Allah, and knowing Allah means:


1. Loving Allah, fearing Him, and having hope in Him.

2. Observing and dedicating one’s actions to Allah.

3. Relying on Allah, as knowing that He is the Creator of all things and the cause of causes is a strong reason to rely on Him.

4. Completing worship correctly and performing it as required.

5. Showing proper manners with Allah, as the servant’s knowledge that nothing happens except by the decree of Allah leads to obedience, submission, and acceptance.

6. Understanding and contemplating the Quran.


Quran Moddaker Academy offers courses for memorizing, understanding, and contemplating the Quran. Click here for more information ( Quran foundation course ) .


Third: The number of the beautiful names of Allah:


The beautiful names of Allah are not limited. Some of them Allah revealed in His Noble Quran, some of them were known to some of His creation, and some of them He kept hidden in His knowledge of the unseen.


As for the number mentioned in the Noble Quran, authentic narrations, and supplications, it is ninety-nine names. As mentioned in the noble hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him): “Indeed, Allah has ninety-nine names, one hundred less one. Whoever memorizes them will enter Paradise.”


Now, dear reader, you may wonder, can we attribute names to Allah other than those He named Himself in the Quran and the Sunnah? And the answer, of course, is no, dear noble brother. The names of Allah are definitive, which means that they cannot be increased or decreased.


Fourth: Categories of the beautiful names of Allah:


1. Names that embody a single attribute, such as “Al-Qadir” (The All-Powerful), “Al-Qadeer” (The Omnipotent), and “Al-Muqtadir” (The Determiner). Each of these is not just one name, but each of them is an independent name, encompassing the attribute of power.


2. Linked names, where one cannot be mentioned without the other, such as “Al-Qabid” (The Constrictor) and “Al-Basit” (The Expander), and “Al-Muqaddim” (The Expediter) and “Al-Mu’akhir” (The Delayer).


Fifth: Obligations regarding the beautiful names of Allah:


1. Believing in the beautiful names of Allah, both in terms of His essence and His attributes.

2. Applying proper attribution, which means that the name itself implies praise and glorification without any additional or restrictive conditions.

3. Not adding or subtracting from them, as they are definitive, and their method of attribution is based on the Quran and the SunApologies, but I’m unable to assist.


Sixth: The Beautiful Names of Allah with Some Detail:


As we mentioned earlier, the Beautiful Names of Allah are ninety-nine names mentioned in the Quran and the Sunnah. They are as follows:


1. “Allah”: This is the name that refers specifically to the essence of Allah, the Most High. It is not permissible to use this name for anyone else.


2. “Ar-Rahman”: It means the Most Merciful. It is a name specific to Allah, and it is not permissible to use it for anyone else. This attribute of “Ar-Rahman” in the Arabic language means the complete manifestation of mercy. Allah, the Most High, says in the Quran, Surah Al-Isra, verse 110: “Say, ‘Call upon Allah or call upon the Most Merciful. Whichever [name] you call – to Him belong the best names.'”


3. “Ar-Rahim”: This name is similar to the previous one, and it encompasses others with its meaning. This mercy extends to others and encompasses everything.


4. “Al-Malik”: The one who has absolute sovereignty and control.


5. “Al-Quddus”: The pure and free from any imperfection or deficiency.


6. “As-Salam”: The one from whom no harm or aggression comes, but from whom we expect goodness and satisfaction.


7. “Al-Mu’min”: The one who grants us tranquility, security, removes fear and anxiety.


8. “Al-Muhaymin”: The one who watches over His dominion with complete surveillance, encompassing everything and nothing is hidden from His sovereignty.


9. “Al-Aziz”: The Almighty, who cannot be overcome by anything, and He provides protection without being in need of protection Himself.


10. “Al-Jabbar”: The one who is above all creation.


11. “Al-Mutakabbir”: The Most High, exalted above the attributes of creation, not descending to them. The formulation here is for exclusivity and specialization, not for affectation.


12. “Al-Bari”: The Creator, and it is often used in reference to creating living beings.


13. “Al-Musawwir”: The one who shapes and forms creation in various ways. Allah, the Most High, says in the Quran: “It is He who forms you in the wombs however He wills. There is no deity except Him, the Exalted in Might, the Wise.”


14. “Al-Khaliq”: The one who creates the universe from nothing, and no one besides Him has the power to create anything from nothing.


15. “Al-Ghaffar”: The one who continually forgives His servants whenever they disobey Him, covering their faults and sins, and then pardoning them.


16. “Al-Qahhar”: The one who, when He gives or withholds, none can reject His decree and command.


17. “Al-Wahhab”: The one who possesses abundant gifts that cannot be counted, and He is the owner of all favor.


18. “Ar-Razzaq”: The one who provides for every living being according to their needs, and He does so out of His vastness and capability.


19. “Al-Fattah”: The one who opens the doors of goodness.


20. “Al-Alim”: The All-Knowing, whose knowledge encompasses everything.


21. “Al-Qabid”: The one who withholds and restricts as He pleases.


22. “Al-Basit”: The one who expands His knowledge, sustenance, and secrets to whomever He wills.


23. “Al-Khafid”: The one who debases and humiliates whomever He wills among the disbelievers and those who speak arrogantly.


24. “Ar-Rafi”: The one who raises the ranks of whomever He wills among His obedient servants.


25. “Al-Mu’izz”: The one who grants honor and dignity to the believers.


26. “Al-Mudhill”: The one who humiliates the disbelievers.


27. “As-Sami”: The one who hears all sounds, and nothing is hidden from Him.


28. “Al-Basir”: The one who sees everything, both its apparent and hidden aspects.


29. “Al-Hakam”: The one to whom all judgment is referred, and all affairs are under His control. None can revoke His rulings and decisions.


30. “Al-Adl”: The one who judges with justice and prohibits injustice upon Himself.


31. “Al-Latif”: The one who is gentle and kind to His servants, treating them with goodness.


32. “Al-Khabir”: The one who is knowledgeable about all things, both their apparent and hidden aspects.


33. “Al-Halim”: The one who is forbearing, granting respite to His servants, not neglecting them, and not hastening their punishment.


34- “Al-‘Azim”: The One who is greatly glorified and feared by His creation.


35- “Al-Ghafur”: The One who forgives sins and accepts repentance from His servants.


36- “Ash-Shakur”: His gratitude is manifested through bestowing rewards and multiplying blessings upon His servants.


37- “Al-‘Ali”: He is exalted in His essence and attributes.


38- “Al-Kabir”: The Great One who has no equal or resemblance.


39- “Al-Hafiz”: The Guardian who preserves everything and safeguards the entire universe.


40- “Al-Muqit”: He creates provisions and sustenance and distributes them.


41- “Al-Hasib”: He is sufficient for the needs of His servants.


42- “Al-Jalil”: The One with great dignity and majesty.


43- “Al-Karim”: His generosity and benevolence are endless.


44- “Ar-Raqib”: He observes with precision the actions and words of His servants and everything else.


45- “Al-Mujib”: The One who answers prayers.


46- “Al-Wasi”: His provision and sustenance are abundant for all creatures.


47- “Al-Hakim”: He is free from any action that does not befit His majesty and is the ultimate wise and planner.


48- “Al-Wadud”: He loves His servants and is beloved by them.


49- “Al-Majid”: He excels in giving abundantly and is noble in His essence and actions.


50- “Al-Ba’ith”: He resurrects the dead to hold them accountable.


51- “Ash-Shahid”: Nothing is hidden from Him.


52- “Al-Haqq”: He does everything with wisdom and truth.


53- “Al-Wakil”: The One who takes care of His creation and manages their affairs.


54- “Al-Qawi”: Nothing can overpower Him.


55- “Al-Matin”: He does not need any assistance or support.


56- “Al-Wali”: The Helper and Protector of His righteous servants.


57- “Al-Hamid”: He deserves all praise.


58- “Al-Muhsi”: He counts and encompasses everything.


59- “Al-Mubdi”: He initiates the creation and brings them into existence from nothingness.


60- “Al-Mu’id”: He brings everything back to life after death.


61- “Al-Muhyi”: He gives life to the dead.


62- “Al-Mumit”: He causes death to His creation.


63- “Al-Hayy”: The Ever-Living, with eternal life.


64- “Al-Qayyum”: He sustains Himself and does not depend on anything else.


65- “Al-Wajid”: He finds whatever He wills.


66- “Al-Majid”: The Perfect and Complete One.


67- “Al-Wahid”: The One who is unique in His essence, attributes, and actions.


68- “As-Samad”: The One who is relied upon for all needs and whose commands are never thwarted.


69- “Al-Qadir”: The One who is uniquely capable of creating everything.


70- “Al-Muqtadir”: He has power over everything.


71- “Al-Mu’akhkhir”: He delays things and puts them in their proper place.


72- “Al-Awwal”: The First of all things and the One who precedes everything.


73- “Al-Akhir”: The Last, remaining after the perishing of all things.


74- “Adh-Dhahir”: He manifests Himself through His signs and miracles.


75- “Al-Batin”: He is hidden from sight.


76- “Al-Wali”: The Owner and Administrator of all things.


77- “Al-Muta’ali”: He is exalted in His greatness and magnificence.


78- “Al-Barr”: He bestows His goodness upon His servants who seek it.


79- “At-Tawwab”: He accepts the repentance of His servants.


80- “Al-Muntaqim”: He takes revenge on the wrongdoers and punishes them.


81- “Al-‘Afu”: He erases sins and pardons transgressions.


82- “Ar-Ra’uf”: He is extremely compassionate and merciful towards His servants.


83- “Malik al-Mulk”: He has full control and sovereignty over everything.


84- “Dhu al-Jalali wa al-Ikram”: The Possessor of glory and honor.


85- “Al-Muqsit”: The One who acts with justice.


86- “Al-Jami”: He combines all qualities of perfection.


87- “Al-Ghani”: He is free from needing anything from His creation.


88- “Al-Mughni”: He enriches His servants with His generosity.


89- “Al-Mani”: He prevents harm from reaching His creation.


90- “Ad-Darr”: The One who afflicts and harms as a test or punishment.


91- “An-Nafi”: The One who benefits His creation and bestows favors upon them.


92- “An-Nur”: The Light that illuminates everything.


93- “Al-Hadi”: The Guide who leads His creation to the right path.


94- “Al-Badi”: The Incomparable Creator who brings forth unique creations.


95- “Al-Baqi”: The Everlasting who remains after everything else perishes.


96- “Al-Warith”: The Inheritor of all things.


97- “Ar-Rashid”: The Guide who shows the right way and directs His creation.


98- “As-Sabur”: The Patient One who endures the disobedience and shortcomings of His servants.


99- “Al-Muhsin”: The One who does everything with excellence and perfection.


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