Ramadan , The most important questions related to this blessed month

blessed month of ramadan

Ramadan is considered a sacred month by Muslims, during which they are obligated to fast. It is the month in which the Holy Quran was revealed, specifically on the Night of Decree, which Allah described as better than a thousand months. Ramadan is known as the month of the Quran and fasting. Muslims engage in increased worship and good deeds during this month. It is a time for performing acts of kindness, fostering tolerance among Muslims, and experiencing blessings in every aspect of life.

Quran Moddaker Academy extends its congratulations on the blessed month of Ramadan to all Muslims.


1. When does Ramadan occur?

Ramadan follows the Islamic lunar calendar and is the ninth month of the Hijri year. The month begins with the sighting of the new moon and lasts for either 29 or 30 days.


2. How is fasting observed during Ramadan?

– Intention: It is necessary to have the intention to fast, and the intention should be specific to Ramadan. It is not valid to intend to fast for expiation along with Ramadan fasting.

– Suhoor: It is recommended to have a pre-dawn meal called suhoor. After suhoor, one refrains from food, drink, and intimacy until the evening call to prayer. When the evening call to prayer is announced, one may eat, drink, and engage in activities that are permissible during the day. It is recommended to break the fast with dates and water, following the tradition of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and then eat a meal of one’s choice.


3. How do Muslims celebrate Ramadan?

Muslims celebrate Ramadan through various religious rituals such as Taraweeh prayers, performing i’tikaf (seclusion for worship) in mosques during the last ten nights of Ramadan, giving charity, and hosting iftar meals. Additionally, there are customs and traditions associated with Ramadan such as the cannon firing to mark the end of the fasting day, Ramadan lanterns, decorations, and many other manifestations. Food is also a prominent aspect of Ramadan celebrations, with popular dishes and sweets associated with the month.


4. What are the virtues of Ramadan?

Ramadan holds special virtues, including:

– Fasting in Ramadan is the fourth pillar of Islam.

– It is the month in which Allah revealed the Quran.

– It contains the Night of Decree, which is better than a thousand months.

– If a Muslim fasts in Ramadan with faith and seeking reward, their previous sins will be forgiven.

– The gates of Paradise are opened, and the gates of Hellfire are closed during Ramadan.

– Performing the Taraweeh prayers in Ramadan, praying them in congregation with the Imam, is equivalent to praying the entire night.

– Each night in Ramadan, Allah frees people from the Hellfire.

– The period from one Ramadan to the next is an atonement for sins committed in between, as long as major sins are avoided.


5. The Holy Quran and its relationship with Ramadan

There is a close connection between Ramadan and the Holy Quran. Allah honored Ramadan by revealing the Quran during this month. Since then, the Quran has been closely associated with Ramadan, making it the month of the Holy Quran.


It is commendable to start a new chapter with the Quran and give it its due rights as a Muslim. If you are looking for a starting point, look no further! Quran Moddaker Academy has solved this problem and offers everything you need to engage with the Book of Allah, including recitation, memorization, and Tajweed (rules of proper pronunciation). The academy also provides courses in Islamic teachings and the Arabic language.


Feel free to contact us at whatsApp to learn more.


6. Is fasting in Ramadan obligatory for every Muslim?

No, fasting in Ramadan is not obligatory for every Muslim. It is obligatory for every accountable Muslim. Those who have not reached the age of maturity are not obligated to fast. Additionally, those who are ill should make up their fasts after they recover. If someone is afflicted with an incurable illness, they are exempt from fasting and should provide food for the needy instead. Similarly, travelers have the option to break their fast and make up the missed days later. Additionally, menstruating and postpartum women are not obligated to fast during Ramadan; they can make up the missed days at a later time. Nursing and pregnant women also break their fast during Ramadan and make up the missed days afterward.


The team at Quran Moddaker Academy prays that our fasting, night prayers, Quran recitation, and good deeds are accepted by Allah.

The features of Quran Moddaker Academy for memorizing the Quran through Online Quran classes for adults include:

1. Providing high-quality educational resources for the Quran and the Arabic language at affordable prices.

2. Offering a variety of learning options to meet the needs of different learners.

3. Creating a supportive and encouraging learning environment where everyone feels welcomed and respected.

4. Two free trials.

5. Flexibility in choosing the suitable time.

6. Qualified male and female teachers from Al-Azhar University.

7. Plan changes during emergencies.

8. Reminder of class time.

Well, these are the features you are definitely looking for, so don’t hesitate to contact Quran Moddaker Academy, which will provide you with all of this and more.

Our Courses at Quran Moddaker Academy: 

1. Quran Foundation Course ( here )


The foundation course for the Quran is designed for non-Arabic speakers interested in learning how to read and recite the Quran with proper Tajweed through the Islamic academy. This course focuses on providing students with a solid foundation in Arabic reading skills, fluent recitation, and comprehensive understanding of Tajweed rules. 

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be awarded a certificate demonstrating their proficiency in reciting the entire Quran with Tajweed. For more information about this course, click  here 

2. Quran Recitation Courses (here)

3. Quran Memorization Courses (here)

4. Tajweed Course (here)

5. Arabic Language Course (here)

6. Islamic Studies Course (here)

7. You can create your own course in the way you want, just contact us on WhatsApp (here). 



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