The most important questions about the Holy Quran

The most important questions about the Holy Quran

Although the holy Quran was revealed more than 1400 years ago, this book continues to reveal new meanings every day. The corners of the holy Quran are still filled with blessings, and its verses are still filled with wisdom, lessons, and admonitions. You only need a pure soul and a tender heart to discover the gifts of the holy Quran. Let us look and contemplate its meanings, greatness, and the immense rewards it offers.




1. The holy Quran in language and terminology.


2. Names of the holy Quran and the reasons for their names.


3. The importance of the holy Quran.


4. Characteristics of the holy Quran.


5. Number of chapters and verses in the holy Quran.


6. Our obligations towards the holy Quran.


7. What Quran Moddaker Academy offers you regarding the holy Quran.


First: Definition of the holy Quran in language and terminology:


1. Definition of the holy Quran in language: The word “Quran” is used to refer to a collection of parts assembled together.


2. Definition of the holy Quran in terminology: It is the speech of God revealed to Muhammad, peace be upon him, to showcase its miraculous nature through its verses. It is meant to be recited and obeyed.


Second: Names of the holy Quran and the reasons for their names:


These are the most common names of the holy Quran:


1. Al-Quran: It is named so because it gathers and encompasses the chapters.


2. Al-Kitab: It is named so because it includes various types of stories, rulings, news, and verses presented in a specific format.


3. Al-Furqan: It is named so because it distinguishes between truth and falsehood.


4. Adh-Dhikr: It is named so because it contains what people need for their worldly affairs and the hereafter. There are other aspects to the naming, such as honor.


5. At-Tanzil: It is named so because it was revealed from Allah.


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Third: The importance of the holy Quran:

Reading the Holy Qur’an


The importance of the holy Quran lies in guiding people and rectifying the lives of individuals and society. It contains correct acts of worship, proper transactions, noble ethics, and just legislations. It also includes teachings for building a community. If we renew our faith in the importance of the holy Quran and adhere to its commands and guidance, we will attain the ideal life we seek, filled with happiness, strength, civilization, and countless blessings.


Now, dear Muslim, how can you know your responsibilities towards the holy Quran? You can communicate with us and join us on a journey to explore the Quran and understand our obligations towards it.     


Fourth: Characteristics of the Holy Quran:


1. It is the speech of Allah revealed to Muhammad, peace be upon him.


2. It is to be recited and worshipped.


3. Prayer is not valid without reciting the Quran.


4. It is preserved by Allah until the Day of Judgment.


5. It is easy to memorize.


6. It brings comfort and tranquility when recited.


7. It heals hearts, and some verses provide physical healing.


8. It has authority over all the books revealed before it.


These mentioned characteristics are just a small part, and not all of the characteristics.


Fifth: Number of chapters and verses in the Holy Quran:


1. Number of chapters: 114 chapters.


2. Number of verses: 6,236 verses.


Sixth: Our obligations towards the Holy Quran:


1. Believing in and affirming the Holy Quran.


2. Esteeming and loving the Holy Quran.


3. Acting upon what is mentioned in the Holy Quran.


4. Contemplating and understanding the Holy Quran (Quran Moddaker Academy offers a complete course on contemplation, and you can contact us to get a free trial).


5. Reciting the Holy Quran with proper recitation.


6. Listening attentively to the Holy Quran when it is recited.


7. Learning and teaching the Holy Quran (The best among you are those who learn the Quran and teach it) – Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.


8. Memorizing the Quran or memorizing what is feasible for you (Memorize the Quran with us online in Quran Moddaker Academy).


Seventh: What Quran Moddaker Academy offers you regarding the Holy Quran:


Quran Moddaker Academy provides various courses that allow you to engage with the Holy Quran:


1. Foundation Course: A comprehensive program designed for non-Arabic speakers who wish to learn how to read and recite the Quran with proper Tajweed.


2. Quran Recitation: We offer Quranic lessons and Arabic language lessons for beginners to champions, for both children and adults.


3. Quran Memorization: Discover the treasures of the Holy Quran through our comprehensive memorization course.


4. Quran Tajweed Course: Specifically designed for individuals who want to deepen their understanding and practical application of Tajweed rules in their recitation of the Holy Quran.


5. Arabic Language Course: This course is designed to cover the four fundamental language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking, with equal emphasis on each component to ensure comprehensive language learning.


6. Islamic Studies: Enroll in the Islamic Studies course at Quran Moddaker Academy and embark on a journey to deepen your understanding of Islam.


7. Design Your Own Training Course: Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, we empower you to create a customized educational experience in Quranic studies and the Arabic language, specifically tailored for non-Arabic speakers.


Not only that, dear reader, you can visit our website and learn more about what Quran Moddaker Academy offers.

 Advantages of Quranic Arabic Classes through Quran Moddaker Academy:

1. Provision of high-quality educational resources for the Noble Quran and the Arabic language, accessible to everyone at reasonable prices.

2. Offering a variety of learning options that cater to the needs of different learners.

3. Creating a supportive and encouraging learning environment where everyone feels welcome and respected.

4. Two free trials.

5. Flexibility in choosing a suitable time.

6. Qualified male and female teachers from Al-Azhar University.

8. Reminder notifications for class timings.

Finally, Quran Moddaker Academy offers the following courses for you: 

1. Foundation Course: A comprehensive program designed for non-Arabic speakers who wish to learn how to read and recite the Quran with proper Tajweed. (here)

2. Quran Recitation: We provide Quranic recitation and Arabic language lessons for beginners to advanced learners, catering to both children and adults. (here)

3. Quran Memorization: Discover the treasures of the Quran through our comprehensive memorization course. (here)

4. Tajweed Course: Specifically designed for individuals who want to deepen their understanding and practical application of Tajweed rules in their recitation of the Quran. (here)

5. Arabic Language Course: This course is designed to cover the four fundamental language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking, with equal emphasis on each component to ensure comprehensive language learning. (here)

6. Islamic Studies: Enroll in the Islamic Studies course at Quran Moddaker Academy and embark on a journey to deepen your understanding of Islam. (here)

7. Customized Training Course: Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, we empower you to create a customized learning experience in Quranic studies and the Arabic language, tailored specifically for non-Arabic speakers. (here)

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